Ada: This will be found at the top of the Tapu (title deeds). A cadastral block is a collection of parcels surrounded by natural and artificial boundaries such as public streets, streets, roads, canals, arcs, streams, lakes, seas, the border of the cadastral work area or the land of the State Railways.
Akit: It is called the transaction subject to the issuance of official deed in which the mutual declarations of the buyer and the seller are received.
Altyapi = Infrastructure: The name given to all the facilities such as electricity, water, sewerage, road in the settlement where the real estate is located.
Anahtar Teslim: The form of contract that stipulates that all materials and labor of the new building to be covered by the contractor and delivered to the owner completely finished.
Arsa : Land Plot/Parcel: The pieces of land located in areas separated as settlement (building) areas by the plans made in the boundaries of the municipality and adjacent areas or in the village settlement areas are called plots.
Ayni Hak = Real Rights: Rights that provide direct dominance of people over things and therefore can be asserted against everyone.
Arazi = Land: It is a piece of ground with horizontal and vertical boundaries, the boundaries of which are determined by adequate means.
Bağımsız Bölüm = Single Space: Each of the sections of a building subject to independent ownership in accordance with the provisions of the Condominium Ownership Law.
Balkon = Balcony
Cebri İcra: Collection of an unfulfilled or unpaid debt through the executive directorate.
Cebri Satış: It is the process of registering the immovable property belonging to the debtor on which there is a lien or mortgage record, in the name of the tender buyer, by selling it through the enforcement office or the creditor public administration for the purpose of collecting the debt.
Cephe = Facade: Each of the faces of a building, especially the front.
Daire = Apartment type: It is called each of the sections that are made more than one under the same roof in the buildings.
Devre Mülk = Time sharing Property: It is a place that is used by people in certain periods and transferred to other people's owners in a certain time.
Dönüm = Acre
Dubleks = A double storey building
Emlak = Real Estate: The word real estate, which consists of property and property, is called the middle name of immovable goods such as house, land, vineyard, garden, field and land.
Emsal = Similar/equal: It is the comparison of the sale or rental price of a building or residence with its similar ones.
Gayrimenkul = Real Estate: It is the things that cannot be moved from one place to another, such as land, plot, independent section, and are fixed in place. For this reason, it is also called immovable property.
Gecekondu = Settlement/’Slum’
Harita = Map
Hisseli Tapu = Share Title Deed: A document owned by more than one person.
Hisse = Share: A share corresponding to a portion of the full ownership of an immovable property. In joint and participation ownership, each of the owners has some share of the immovable property.
Hisse Tevhidi = Share Distribution: If a person who has a share in an immovable property acquires a new share on the same immovable, it means that the previous share and the subsequent share are combined and registered in the land registry.
Ifraz = Exception: It is the conversion of an immovable registered in the land registry into more than one parcel.
Imar Affi = Zoning AFFI: Laundering illegal structures or parts that have been added illegally to structures in compliance with zoning rules.
Ipotek = Hypothecation: the pledging of an asset as collateral for a loan, without transferring the property’s title to the lender. In the event that a real estate is shown as a guarantee for a loan provided or a debt that may arise, it is the process of registering the receivable in the amount of the debt, together with the interest, if any, in the relevant column of the land registry of the real estate.
Ipotek Belgesi = Mortgage Certificate
Irtifak Haki = Easement Right: It is the establishment of the right of way from two real estates to the other.
Kadastro = Cadastre: The work of specifying the area, boundaries and values of all types of land and properties and connecting them to the plan.
Kat Irtifaki = Floor Ease: It is the right of easement established by the owner or co-owners of the land, for the independent parts of one or more buildings that will be built or being built on a land to be the subject of condominium ownership in the future, according to the Subject of Floor Ownership.
Kat Karşılığı Anlaşması = Agreement for Floor Provision: It is a form of assignment under the promissory note by the Land Registry Directorate without paying any price for shape, shape (percentage) between the parties.
Müstakil Tapu = Detached Deed: Title deed for a single residence.
Mudesat: It means a structure or tree on a land that belongs to someone else from the land owner.
Ortak Yerler = Shared Areas: In buildings where floor servitude or condominium has been established, the places outside the independent sections, which are used for protection and for common use or benefit, are called common places.
Orman Kadastrosu = Forest Cadastre: It is the process of determining and mapping the common borders of state forests, forests belonging to public legal entities, private forests and all kinds of immovable properties in or adjacent to these forests with forests.
Ölçek = Scale: The ratio between the lengths seen on a map or drawing and the actual lengths they imply.
Ön Cephe = Front Facade: The side of the building facing the road.
Pafta = Map Sheet
Parsel = Parcel
Sahibinden = From the owner: the sale or rental of a property directly by the owner, without any intermediary.
Sifir = ‘New Build’/Unused
Şahsi Haklar = Individual Rights: These are the rights that can be asserted only against the addressee of the legal relationship, which enable individuals to dominate the goods based on the real right of another person.
Taban alanı = Footprint
Tavanarası = Ceiling to Floor Space: The space between the roof and the finishing floor.
Tapu = Title Deeds: It is an official document issued by the land registry directorate, showing the owner of a certain part of the land or an independent section built on it, valid until proven otherwise.
Zorunlu Deprem Sigortası = Required Earthquake Insurance